Friday 30 December 2011

Hair Today...

Jumper: Primark

I was bored with my hairstyle and, after looking at countless tutorials on Youtube and pictures of Alexa Chung and co, I decided to take the plunge and ombre my hair. I love the effortless boho style and think I did an OK job. I think it brightens my face (with the help of my new high beam highlighter, thanks mum!) giving me a healthy glow. I've always had brown or dark red hair and this gave me the opportunity to experiment with the lighter scale of the specturum without going full on Barbie.

The process was really easy, videos said to use tinfoil and wrap small sections, but in all honesty I found this was just too much hassle and added up removing most of the colour. In the end I just place an old towel around my shoulders and covered the bottom half of my hair in the bleach, making sure to apply more to the ends. I was worried that there would be an obvious line from brown to blonde, but as I was just using my hands I could blend the two colours well.

Loreal Paris Perfect Blonde Creme 

If anyone s considering ombre hair then i think you should defiantly go for it, it isn't a complicated process and creates an effortlessly cool look. my hair looks a bit gingery in these photos, due to the bad lighting, hopefully in future posts the blonde will be more evident 

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